11501 Printed with 11502 ACT! for Windows 11503 Printed on 11504 ... 11505 day 11506 days 11507 hr 11508 hrs 11509 min 11510 min 11511 Printing canceled by user. 11512 Error accessing printer. 11513 Error allocating required memory. 11514 You have selected an invalid page range. 11515 Error creating the contact index. 11516 Error rewinding the contact index. 11517 Error reading in a contact record. 11518 Error adding a record to the list. 11519 Error creating the e-mail index. 11520 Error rewinding the e-mail index. 11521 Error reading an e-mail record. 11522 Error closing the e-mail index. 11523 Error rewinding the date range index. 11524 Error getting the next activity. 11525 Error reading an activity record. 11526 Error reading in the contact info for this activity 11527 ACT! Printing Error 11528 Error creating date range index.